The reconstruction of Ukraine post-war should focus on making healthy, green, energy efficient homes accessible for all – to build a better life for Ukrainian citizens, irrespective of their income levels.
Historically, temporary housing often ends up being used to accommodate war survivors long after the end of an armed conflict – potentially adversely affecting the lives of vulnerable people decades after its conclusion.
This is one of many reasons why credible green home certification – covering health, sustainability, and energy efficiency standards – should be pursued even in the context of developing emergency housing.
Given the scale of the reconstruction challenge in Ukraine, so-called “hybrid finance” which blends public funding and private sector investment will be required, at a time when investors are under increasing pressure to green their investment portfolios.
Smarter Finance for EU has therefore produced a catalogue of good practice examples of hybrid green funding for affordable housing to aid Ukraine’s recovery.
“Green housing should not be seen as a luxury – even in a post-war setting,” says Smarter4EU energy poverty lead Iva Merheim-Eyre. “Green housing can be economically viable even in affordable housing sectors with a good blend of public and private investments. This publication provides good practice examples of financial models and models of cooperation between the public and private sector.”
Ukraine has pledged to follow the EU’s lead on energy transition and “build back better”, and this publication brings examples of post-war recovery moments in which municipalities play a key role, such as sustainable city planning and the introduction of quality social housing.
The catalogue focuses mainly on the approaches municipalities can take to contribute to affordable housing pilots, including municipalities acting as developers, cooperating with, or providing financial and other backing of private project.
“Green certification not only brings guidance for developers, but clear quality and performance guarantees for investors,” says Merheim-Eyre. “Moreover, the availability of Ukraine-based module housing providers and Ukraine’s potential for replication of solutions for standardised houses and apartment blocks make green housing financially competitive with conventional methods.
“Ukraine has made a clear pledge to strive for green recovery and with the support of the international community, future development of healthy and sustainable dwellings for those in need is a goal within our reach.”
The full catalogue, Hybrid green funding for affordable housing: European good practice examples for Ukraine’s recovery, can be downloaded below.