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Green, affordable housing for Ukraine 14 03 2024

Green, affordable housing for Ukraine 14 03 2024

EUEA jointly with Association "Energy-Efficient Cities of Ukraine” have successfully held the event "Green, Affordable Housing for Ukraine: Let's Make It Happen!" on March 14 During the event, the SMARTER4EU initiative was presented, highlighting the involvement of both the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency and the Association "Energy-Efficient Cities of Ukraine" in its implementation. The project envisages development and launch of the green certification system for residential buildings in Ukraine as well as development of financial instruments for such projects. Event speakers included: 1) Pat Cox - former President of the European Parliament (2002 to 2004) / “Ukraine’s paths towards EU Taxonomy alignment, how to support vulnerable groups of population”. Note: Mr. Cox's speech cannot be published at this time as it relies on data from a report that has not yet been released. We anticipate publishing his speech in April-May 2) Alexandra Hedesiu - Managing Director EnerSave / «Green finance and EU-aligned taxonomy portfolios: its application for Ukraine’s realities» 3) Iryna Sukhodub - Specialist in energy modeling and green building certification LEED AP BD+C at iC сonsulenten Ukraine / «Green certification systems for Ukraine: status quo and options» 4) Volodymyr Smolii – Project Coordinator at Association “Energy-Efficient Cities of Ukraine” / «Cities and their role in fostering green investments for vulnerable residents: how to attract investors» 5) Iva Merheim Eyre - Energy Poverty lead at SMARTER Consortium / «How the Smarter4EU programme can support Ukrainian cities and banks: helpdesk and technical advice» More about EUEA’s role in the SMARTER4EU project: More about SMARTER4EU project:
Cercetători în misiune pentru a construi locuințe eficiente din punct de vedere energetic

Cercetători în misiune pentru a construi locuințe eficiente din punct de vedere energetic

EN: Romanian green building researcher Daniel Butucel is on a mission to make the world’s housing and living solutions greener with the help of EU funding and 17 partner organisations from all over Europe and beyond. The work of Butucel and his fellow campaigners is nothing short of revolutionary. They have participated in a green certification programme and partnered up with financial institutions to design homes with high environmental standards, make cities more resilient to climate change, and lead the transition to a safer and cleaner planet. More info: RO: Daniel Butucel, cercetător român în domeniul construcțiilor ecologice, are misiunea de a face ca locuințele și soluțiile de locuit din lume să fie mai ecologice, cu ajutorul fondurilor UE și a 17 organizații partenere din întreaga Europă și nu numai. Munca lui Daniel Butucel și a colegilor săi de campanie este de-a dreptul revoluționară. Aceștia au participat la un program de certificare ecologică și au încheiat parteneriate cu instituții financiare pentru a proiecta locuințe cu standarde de mediu ridicate, pentru a face orașele mai rezistente la schimbările climatice și pentru a conduce tranziția către o planetă mai sigură și mai curată Mai multe informații:
The Building Blocks of Residential Green Finance

The Building Blocks of Residential Green Finance

The Building Blocks of Residential Green Finance – the rationale, methodology, and initial results of implementing a successful, international residential green finance program to benefit our citizens, the planet, and a climate-ready banking sector. # What key trends are driving the substantial growth in the green finance market? # How do homes in a bank portfolio contribute to both ambitious environmental performance and substantial financial risk reduction? # What research and evidence is available to justify banks implementing robust green finance programs? # What national policies are being implemented and what new proposed policy can accelerate and reward green performance from the banking industry? # Learn how banks issuing retail mortgages and development loans can implement best-in-class green finance programs that are consistent with the EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance. Speakers # Aristeidis Tsakiris, Programme Officer, Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (00:13) # Talia Brun Marcen, Project Adviser, European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (01:51) # Steven Borncamp, Project Director of SMARTER Finance for Families, Romania Green Building Council (06:33, 01:32:25) # Merete Villum Pedersen, Head of Section, Business Models and Finance UNEP DTU Partnership (25:15) # Marco Caffi, COO, Green Building Council Italia (35:17) # Ted Kronmiller, Advisor, SMARTER Project (44:35) # Camilo Paez, PhD Research - Teaching Assistant, Dept. BATir - Building, Architecture & Town Planning Engineering - ULB (01:02:46) # Andrei Botis, President, Romania Green Building Council (01:12:58) # Sebastiano Cristoforetti, Managing Director, CRISCON (01:20:01) # Q&A (01:39:33)
SMARTER Finance For Families
Interview Rui Fragoso, ADENE


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