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Triana House boutique hotel

The first passive house certified hotel in Seville’s historic centre defies the challenges posed by its hot climate, small size, and preservation requirements, showcasing innovative strategies to mitigate heat and maximize energy efficiency.

Through meticulous design considerations, including strategies to minimize cooling demands, Triana House boutique hotel achieves the passive house standard while preserving its traditional Andalusian style.

Triana House proudly claims the title of being a trailblazing pioneer – the very first passive certified hotel in all of southern Spain.

Architect Isabel Barros, the driving force behind Triana House, already had another hotel in the same area and harboured an incredibly ambitious goal: to refurbish a newly acquired building in the Triana neighborhood, creating a hotel that would not only set industry standards but also deliver utmost comfort to its guests, coupled with unparalleled energy efficiency. It was a sustainable endeavor where, beyond the use of natural materials, minimizing pollutant emissions and energy consumption was paramount. It represented an ecological commitment that artfully melded sustainable features with luxury and tradition. The true allure of Triana House lies not just in what it is, but in how it operates, how it feels, and how it appears.

It’s a story of dedication to eco-conscious principles while weaving an intricate tapestry of opulence and heritage. The essence of Triana House transcends its physical form; it’s a visual symphony, a testament to sustainable hospitality, and an embodiment of beauty that extends far beyond what the eye can see.

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Passive house certified boutique hotel

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Informații privind finanțarea UE

Proiectul SMARTER4EU a primit finanțare din Programul de tranziție la energie curată LIFE al Uniunii Europene în baza acordului de grant nr. 101121060

©2024 de către Smarter4EU

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